Find out what projects The Kensington Conservancy has on the go or has completed.
Water Quality Monitoring ProgramWater sampling is important for overall ecosystem health. Especially when a waterbody is used for recreational purposes, testing the water becomes vital in avoiding health risks, algae blooms, temperature changes, high turbidity, and invasive species.
Bat Monitoring and Education ProgramBeginning in the summer of 2022, The Kensington Conservancy will be surveying for bats on our nature preserves using automated bat detection devices. These devices remotely monitor bat activity, by detecting high frequency ultrasonic vocalizations (echolocation) from nearby bats.
Desbarats Eastern Bluebird Trail
We have partnered with Algoma University to establish an Eastern Bluebird Trail in the Desbarats area. In 2019, we set up 50 nest boxes on our nature preserves and private properties and monitoring them throughout the breeding season for reproductive success. Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, House Wrens, and Black-capped Chickadees have successfully used these boxes. We are seeking volunteers to help us monitor and maintain these boxes each year.
Stobie Creek Rehabilitation ProjectThe primary goals of this project was to rehabilitate the Stobie Creek to control sediment, stabilize stream banks and control the loss of land surrounding the creek due to erosion. Secondary benefits resulting from achievement of the primary goals include improvements to water quality and aesthetics as well as fish and wildlife habitat.
Geothermal at The Kensington Conservation CentreThe Kensington Conservancy was excited to be successful at our grant application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Capital Grants Program. In the fall of 2018, we applied to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for funds to install a geothermal heating and cooling system. This system will allow us to reduce our impact on the environment and lower the operational costs of The Kensington Conservation Centre. Work began in April 2019 and was completed that summer.
Desbarats Species at Risk Bird Inventory, Education, and Outreach ProjectThe Kensington Conservancy provided education and outreach on the importance of grassland species at risk birds and how to best protect these species to Desbarats area farmers and other landowners. Data was also collected on the abundance of these species in the area, their breeding success and how they interact with their habitats.
If you are interested in a specific project of ours that predates 2016, or is otherwise not listed here, please contact us.